First sentence is pretty powerful.
God determines who walks into your life.... "It's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go." I need this
back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....
Father, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day! And may
their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you.
Now send it on to five other people, including the one who sent it to you. Within hours you caused a multitude of people to pray for other people. Then sit back and watch the power of God work in your life.
P. S. Five is good, but more is better. Who else do you know that needs prayer.
Make it a Wonderful Day ! !
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Fw: fyi - The First Sentence is Pretty Powerful
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My new CD
Get Stephanie's new CD "Testify" by visiting
or by going to
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Prayer request for Rev. Micheal Miller - ICU CARE
> This Beliefnet prayer circle is being sent to you by Brenda:
> Rev. Micheal Miller - ICU CARE
> Link for prayer circle:
> Brenda's message is:
> please pray for my Pastor he in UNC Hospitals in icu and the dr's can't
seem to find out what the problem is he in on a ventalator and not doing
well, they don't know if it's mini strokes or sizers or what ,please send up
many prayers for him he is 53 yrs old
> ____________________________________________________________
> This message brought to you by, your source for religion and
spirituality on the web.
> What's your spiritual type? How forgiving are you? Find out! Take one
of our fast fun quizzes now!
> Check out the most interesting spiritual community on the web.
A few IMPORTANT things (from Stephanie)
You can go to to listen to a few of the songs. Those of you who still want to buy one....get with me!!
My friend, David, who produced the CDs did a marvelous job and I am very excited about these CDs. I feel like I have really accomplished something. And I am very proud of the work David and I did on these CDs. Anyone interested in booking David's studio for recording time or for a photo shoot, go to .
Please remember to keep praying for Kristy Howard. I went to see her in the hospital this evening and she is in a lot of pain and having a really hard time of it. So she is not out of the woods yet, and she seriously needs your prayers. God can do what the doctor's can't!! And because she is my friend, I am depending on all of you to call out her name to God to help her get better. Please just keep praying!!
And speaking of praying.....I got a wonderful praise report about little Kayla (my sister-in-law's granddaughter). She went to the doctor this week and the skin graft was 100% successful!!! They said everything looked GREAT. And according to the doctor's report it was 3rd degree burns, not 2nd as we had originally thought. So I know it was all those prayers that worked!! The doctors did what they had to do, but God was the one who healed her hand! Please continue to remember her in your prayers and don't forget to thank God for what He has done (AND what He is GOING TO DO!!!).
And, on a final note, don't forget that family portraits are being made at my church, Lighthouse Chapel, tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am to 8pm. Sitting fee is $9.95 and you get a free 11x14 cardboard-backed portrait. So stop by and see me tomorrow and have your picture made!! (I will also have my CDs there with me if any of you want to pick one up!). To get to Lighthouse Chapel take Burch Bridge road until you get to Burch Bridge Cafe and turn onto St. Regis Drive which is directly in front of the cafe. Lighthouse Chapel is right there on the right after you turn onto St. Regis. It is a white church and the sign out front still says "St. Regis Chapel" but that is us! Hope to see you all tomorrow. I love you!
(Don't forget about those prayer requests!)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Prayer Request for Kristy
Please pass this on so others can pray for Kristy. Thanks and God bless.
**And just on a side note - - my personal opinion: Isn't it scary that it seems like you can't even go in for a minor procedure these days without the doctor almost killing you??? I pray I don't ever have to have anything done that would require a hospital stay.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Anointed Gifts
Here's the link:
God Has Kept Me Here For A Reason
Repeat after me:
God has kept me here for a reason. I survived because He has a plan for me. All my bad relationships, the addictions, the consequences, the bad credit, the repossessions, the death of my loved ones, the back stabbing from my friends, the negative thoughts, or the lack of support; I made it because I am blessed! I release and let go of all past hurts, misunderstandings and grudges because I am abundantly blessed! I recognize them as the illusions they are, and sent from the enemy to kill my spirit, steal my joy, and destroy my faith; For God is all there is. All else is a lie!
Now give yourself a hug, wipe your tears away and walk in victory!!!!!!!! I love you, but more importantly, God loves you BEST! Be blessed and know that you are at one with THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD! And may the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. Genesis 31:49. Amen!
Now since you are a true child of God, you know that with every blessing, a blessing is required! So be a blessing to another, by passing this on. IF YOU DO IT RIGHT NOW, GOD WILL BLESS IT RIGHT NOW!! Be Blessed
"The Will of GOD will never take you where the GRACE of GOD will not protect you."
"Friends warm you with their presence, trust you with their secrets, and remember you in their prayers"
Monday, February 05, 2007
Fw: prayer request
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 5:00 PM
Subject: prayer request
Hi Stef
I wanted to let you know that Kayla burned her hand Saturday with an iron that was left on. She has a second degree burn from her knuckles to her fingertips. I talked to Lisa today, and she had been back to the doctor today and everything looks good according to the doctors. No infections and the dead skin is coming off and seems to be healing fine. Say a prayer for her that there won't be any scaring or nerve damage.