Friday, October 05, 2007

Change in arrangements for Chris Collins

Due to Chris's mother and stepdad and against the wishes of Chris's children and siblings, the funeral arrangements were changed at the last minute last night.  The funeral will now take place at Christ Memorial Christian Church on S. 87 in Graham at 2:00 Saturday.  Everything else will be the same. 
Also, just FYI.....I believe the newspaper had Chris listed as a member of Christ Memorial, when in fact Chris was a member of Lighthouse Chapel.
If I sound mean, I apologize, but I am very frustrated at the lengths some people will go to in order to hurt and undercut someone else.  And I felt if I was going to let everyone know that the funeral had been changed, then you all had a right to know WHY the funeral had been changed. 
Please remember my First Lady, her brothers, and Chris's children in your prayers because this is already a hard situation for them and the actions of a few are making it even harder.  Thanks and God bless.

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