Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fw: Forwarded Prayer Request

Please pray for this people and pass this on!
Thanks and God bless!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 12:53 AM
Subject: FW: Forwarded Prayer Request

Hi Stephanie,


This prayer request is from my Uncle. Please put the following people on your prayer list.






From: DeGeGrw [mailto:DeGeGrw@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:17 AM
To: Grady Workman
Subject: Forwarded Prayer Request


First Prayer Request

From Catawba Heights Baptist Church, Belmont NC

Prayer request 
Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogan - don't delete please Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting cancer here.  Prayer is a powerful thing.  THIS COUPLE NEEDS OUR PRAYERS. PLEASE read this. IT BE TERRIBLY DIFFICULT TO BE IN IRAQ WITH A SICK WIFE AT HOME.
    Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF
    823 ESFS/SFOC
    Flight Sergeant

Tough times don't last... Tough people do !!!
My name is Gary Hogan. Some of you receiving this know me, some  do not.  My wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with stage 4 cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim.   She was pregnant with our second child and had miscarried recently at 3 months, and now we know why. This is a request for you to for ward this e-mail to every one you know asking for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed, the better.

Pray and forward. It only takes a second to hit 'forward'.

Please do it and don't delete this. Your prayer can, and perhaps  will, save her life. Please pray and ask everyone you know to pray for the HEALING of Cindy and the removal of all cancer in her body, so  she may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be the wonderful mother to our 5 year old son, Michael. The power of Prayer is unsurpassed. I want the whole world to have her in their prayers  the next few weeks. God will hear our cry. Please do not be offended by my plea.. This is only a request for your help.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with our request for healing! No words can express the power we have  when we each do a little to come together.

Regards, Cindy's in-love husband - Gary

Thank you, and please send it to the far reaches of our world.


Second Prayer Request


This is a prayer request for Shannon Wigginton who is Vickie Bell's daughter.  Vickie is secretary at Salvation Army.  About 3 days ago, it was discovered that Shannon had a severe infection in her heart.  She is intensive care at University of Kentucky Hospital.  Vickie and all her family are there with her.  It was a very rare thing to happen The only hope seemed to be a heart transplant but they were told last night that her heart was completely damaged but that she was too sick and unstable to even be put on the heart transplant list.


Many people have been praying for Shannon.


God who made Shannon's heart has done a miracle.

We just got word that Shannon has done a complete turn around!  The Doctors are taking the balloon out of the heart today and decreasing medications.  The draining tube from around her heart should be removed this afternoon.  She will be taken off the ventilator tomorrow.  Shannon will be in the hospital at least another week.  The virus has run it's course, and they will start her on medication to heal her heart.  No Heart transplant!


Shannon still needs our prayers.  She still has a long way to heal but the healing has started.  PRAISE THE LORD! 


Please continue to pray for Shannon, her husband Lee and their 2 year old little boy.  Pray for Vickie and her family as they are in  Kentucky with Shannon at the hospital.


In Christ,


Pam Wilkins

Glen Hope Baptist Church


Grady R Workman III
Give Thanks
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light,
for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food and the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks,
the fault lies in yourself.

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