Thursday, March 22, 2007

Please Pray For My Mother

My mother has been having some serious problems with her stomach and has been undergoing a lot of tests and trials of different medicines for about 8 or 9 weeks now. The doctors finally did a blood test to check for H. Pylori bacteria and it came back positive. H. Pylori is a bacteria that comes from food, drink, or contaminated utensils (in other words she probably picked it up by just having a meal at a restaurant). H. Pylori can remain undetected in the body for an undetermined amount of time until you start having symptoms for other conditions brought on by the H. Pylori, such as peptic ulcers, gastroenteritis, gastritis, dyspepsia, etc. If left untreated, it can result in all the afformentioned conditions and possibly death, so it is quite serious. They have now put her on two different antibiotics to try to fight the H. Pylori as well as a few stomach medicines to try to control the symptoms of the gastritis and ulcers that she has developed as a result of this bacteria.

I would really appreciate your prayers for my mother. She desperately needs a healing touch from God. Medicine is good, but we all know that true healing comes from above. So please keep her in your prayers (her name is Geraldine Collins) and I will keep you updated on her condition.Thanks so much! I have total faith that God will hear and answer prayers! And I am claiming my mother's healing as if it were already done!God bless you all! I love you!


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