Friday, September 28, 2007

Prayer for Tricia

This is a prayer request on Will you please join me in praying for this person?:
Prayer for Tricia (healing)
Please pray for my friend (and new sister-in-Christ) Tricia. She has to go to the doctor today because they have told her that she may have cancer. I ask that all of you join me, agreeing with me in prayer, that they would find no signs of cancer in her body. I pray that God would heal her from the top of her head to the soles of her feet and that He would put a shield of protection over her so that the demon of cancer cannot pervade her body. Saints of God, please pray with me over this young girl and through faith we can move this mountain!! Thank you all.
God bless.
stef326, Burlington, NC
If you go to this link you can light a candle for this request so more will pray with us:
Please forward this message to as many people as you can.
Thank you and God bless.

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