Saturday, November 13, 2004

He's Never Failed...

"And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof."  -Joshua 23:14 (KJV)
I wasn't planning on writing anything tonight, but I was sitting here thinking about how so many things fail us.  I woke up this morning and went out to go to work and found that I had a flat tire.  That one little incident threw me off the whole day.  I just naturally assumed that when I walked out my door this morning, I would be able to jump in my car and drive off.  But because of that flat tire, my car failed me this morning.  It didn't fulfill it's purpose in my life, because I couldn't get it to do what it was supposed to do.
When I got to work, I took a service call that required me using the 2-way radio to contact one of our drivers.  The 2-way radio would not work properly.  When I pressed the button on the 2-way radio, it should have alerted the driver's radio.  That didn't happen.  Again, something that I needed had failed me. 
I went to the rest home this evening for Brother Ricky's bi-weekly ministry and he asked me to sing "Four Days Late".  I had failed to bring my soundtracks, so I didn't have the tape I needed to provide the background music.  Fortunately, GW was there to play the piano for me.  But I had failed to be prepared like I should have been.
Sometimes, we all have things to fail us.  Sometimes we fail others.  But isn't it good to know that God NEVER FAILS??  He's always there - He always comes through - He never leaves you hanging. 
A lot of times, when we pray, we think God has failed us because He doesn't answer our prayers the way WE think they should be answered.  But God always knows best.  He always answers our prayers, even if He has to answer it with a "no".  We foolishly think that we know what's best for us, but God knows our past, present, and future.  He sees things we cannot see.  So He alone knows how to best meet our needs and grant our requests.  Sometimes we want so many things.  But what we want isn't always what we need.  Often times, what we want is not the best thing for us.  Country singer Garth Brooks had a song a few years ago that said "some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers".  The wording on that is a little off.  It would have been better to have said "some of God's greatest gifts are when he says no to your prayers".  But the words to the song still have a good meaning.  Here's an exerpt:
Just the other night at a hometown football game
My wife and I ran into my old high school flame
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be

She was the one that I'd wanted for all times
And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then
I'd never ask for anything again
She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had changed me
In her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk about the old days
There wasn't much we could recall
I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all

And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thanked the good Lord
For the gifts in my life
Even though that's just a song, I want you to think about it for a moment as if it were real life.  God didn't really "not answer" the man's prayers.  Instead, God had answered his prayers with a "no".  He wouldn't grant the man's request to make the high school girlfriend stay with him for all time, because God knew that later on there was someone better that the man should be with. 
Stop and think for a moment about all the things you have prayed for in your life.  I guarantee you there are at least a few that you can look back on and say "God, I'm glad you didn't do that for me!"  If God granted all of our requests the way WE ask Him to, our lives would be a mess.  Because we just don't know what we really need. 
But speaking of things we really need.....God always comes through with just that!!  He meets our needs and gives us so much above and beyond what we even ask for.  From little things, to mighty big things.  God is always right on time with whatever we are needing in our lives.  He has never failed! 
So whatever you stand in need of in your life tonight, just trust in God to do what's best.  He said He would never leave you, never forsake you.  In Psalm 37:25 (NIV) the Bible says:  "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread."
Our God is a God of victories, not failures.  He can do whatever you stand in need of, if you will just trust in Him.  Have faith and take comfort in the fact that "...of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof."  -Joshua 23:14 (KJV) (paraphrase)
Until next time, be blessed....

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