Thursday, October 14, 2004

A little help here.....

I am seriously thinking of adding a "testimony blog" to my website. It would be just like my journal except that it would contain the testimonies of different people. The only way I can do this is if I get enough responses from you guys. All you have to do is this:

Whenever you have some free time (or when you can MAKE some time) just sit down and write out your testimony. It doesn't have to be long. Just however much you feel led to tell. When you are through with it, email it to me at and I will post it on the testimony blog. Please include at least your first name and where you are from (city OR state), and if you wish, you can include your email address. Just be aware that whatever information you provide, I will post along with your testimony unless you request otherwise.

I would love to have several testimonies before I even start this up. So, please feel free to forward this email to others and let them know that I welcome their testimony as well.

I think this would be another way to reach people who are lost or backslidden. You never know who might be inspired or touched by your testimony. You could be the only one that someone out there can relate to. Just think of the possibilities!! Please prayerfully consider doing this, and if the Lord leads you to submit your testimony, just email it to me. Thanks in advance for your help. God bless!!


"I have learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so
that no one will believe it."

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